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MASS, la chaise empilable qui se fond dans son environnement

08.10.2019 | Produit

MASS est une chaise multi-usages, empilable, légère et facile à manipuler que Sellex propose en plusieurs déclinaisons : chaise simple, chaise avec accoudoirs et chaise haute. Mais surtout, la MASS est un siège aux lignes pures et intemporelles. Tel a été en effet l'objectif de son créateur, Javier Cuñado, et de son équipe d'ITEM designworks, avec ce design qui couvre un large spectre d'usages et de d'environnements. Car si la MASS peut se prévaloir d'une qualité, c'est bien de se fondre dans l'espace où elle se trouve. Son concepteur nous explique comment s'est déroulé le processus de création et souligne la relation de “complicité” qui s'est nouée avec Sellex.


Javier Cuñado (ITEM Designworks)

Javier Cuñado


' What inspired you to create MASS Chair?

We were proposed to create and develop a simple product “in appearance”, but for a very mature market full of many, in principle, similar proposals.

So how could we contribute something new about an apparently so overused concept?

We focused on creating a clean and timeless aesthetic, where polypropylene and metal had a continuous dialogue of forms and subtle encounters, which were a step beyond the conventional solutions of many products. More than the general form, this kind of details are the ones that define the true personality of MASS.

' How was the creative process?

Once we understood what the general context was about to create a proposal… we defined the “key success factors” of a product of these characteristics, such as: empathetic, elegant, maintaining a delicate balance between timelessness and personality, visual and use lightness, interesting price and so on.

After embracing these values, we started to draw the first ideas that will represent all this.

' How would you define MASS Chair?

MASS Chair is a sober aesthetic product, easy to understand and conventional up to a point, but with its right dose of personality. It is proposed for a very wide variety of scenarios and uses, so it cannot stand out competing with the space where it is placed, but integrate into it.

' Which function fills? (Tell us the different applications that MASS has and in what different places do you think the chair could be placed)

MASS is a multipurpose chair program, lightweight and easy to handle. It offers versions with and without armrests, in addition to a very practical writing tablet that is placed and removed at any time without tools. For a fast installation of numbered rooms, it has its own numbering system of seats and rows of very easy installation and disassembly.

Finally, MASS is offered in three formats: basic chair, chair with armrests and high chair. All of these models are “super-stackable” with a stacking space of 18 mm between chairs, managing to stack about 40 chairs in less than 1.70 m height.

' Explain us the choice of materials and measures. Why them?

The materials used are mainly defined by the objective of cost positioning. Steel and polypropylene are economical and easily recyclable. Regarding the finishes of the structure, they are painted in epoxy, leaving chroming apart, due to environmental respect reasons.

Regarding the dimensions MASS is a chair placed in the medium range, to maintain a compromise among lightness, manageability and ergonomics for a wide enough range of public.

' You defend that technology is an opportunity to do things differently. What technical challenge does the MASS Chair overcome? What does it contribute to MASS?

Technology allows us to dream of more “magical” proposals. We focused on surprising the user and the manufacturer will be a “productive partner” to reach this objective, not an objective itself.

To reach this “apparent simplicity” we have come a long way of finding ingenious solutions that allow such a clean and continuous aesthetic. If in the simplicity of a project, you don’t defend the details with all your energy and determination, you are lost. Your work becomes common, it is obvious and without interest.

The shaping of the rod of the structure has been a big problem till we found someone with enough technology to manufacture as the original design was.

We understood that the design was not dependent on the productive limitations we knew and that has meant a longer finding way until the desired results were achieved.

' The Smart Products make easier the life of the user having design as the main tool. Do you consider MASS Chair a Smart Product?

MASS Chair is not a “conceptual experiment”, on the contrary, it is a functional product, but still… it is a delicate product, full of nuances and well-resolved details. This timelessness and discreet elegance, together with its functionality make MASS, certainly, an intelligent product.

' You confirm that the role of the designer is to have the initiative in innovation. Is MASS Chair innovative? What has MASS that others chairs don’t have?

The designer must be in a very committed attitude, focused on permanent search to anticipate and surprise the user, offering “Positive Experiences”

' What do you like most of working with Sellex?

Sellex is a committed company with a clear orientation to “Design of User Experiences”. In our case, we have tried to intuit and interpret the needs of the market in a very proactive way and we have created a very collaborative mutual understanding relationship with Sellex team.

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